Fass No. 6 American White Oak Toasted Barrel - 1 Litre

Oak Barrel - 1 Litre
These barrels are made of Brand-Spanking-New Fresh American White Oak and have a medium toast level.
Please bear in mind when filling the barrel that fresh oak is incredibly powerful and absolutely packed full of flavour and aroma.
Given the fact that no other spirit has ever been stored in the barrel, the effect of the oak on the spirit you fill into it will be very forceful. If you’re after creating your own whisky from new-make spirit, or indeed transforming a vodka into something oak-rich and powerful, this is good news. If you’re after adding a subtle barrel-aged note to a light and delicate cocktail or gin, then it’s probably not a good thing – you’d be well advised to store some vodka or ‘something else’ in it for a couple of weeks first

Oak Barrel - 1 Litre
These barrels are made of Brand-Spanking-New Fresh American White Oak and have a medium toast level.
Please bear in mind when filling the barrel that fresh oak is incredibly powerful and absolutely packed full of flavour and aroma.
Given the fact that no other spirit has ever been stored in the barrel, the effect of the oak on the spirit you fill into it will be very forceful. If you’re after creating your own whisky from new-make spirit, or indeed transforming a vodka into something oak-rich and powerful, this is good news. If you’re after adding a subtle barrel-aged note to a light and delicate cocktail or gin, then it’s probably not a good thing – you’d be well advised to store some vodka or ‘something else’ in it for a couple of weeks first

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